It’s the book phenomenon that has been sweeping the world of reading…Fifty Shades of Grey! Fifty Shades of Grey is controversial to say the least. Termed an erotic romance novel, the book revolves around the love affair of an inexperienced college girl and a super rich and handsome young man who happens to have deviated sexual desires. He’s heavy into bondage and all that other degrading stuff. But because she knows no better and because he’s so ‘hot’ (she says so about a gabillion times in the book), Ana, the female character in Fifty Shades of Grey, takes it. Not only does she put up with it but she has orgasm after orgasm because of it.
Are you serious? First of all, what 21 year old virgin would have multiple orgasms from the get-go? And what self-respecting and intelligent young girl (that she is made out to be) would reduce herself to that level?
E. L. James, the author of Fifty Shades of Grey, says the book is her fantasy on paper. She says she wrote with the intention of living out her mid-life crisis through her characters. Excuse me? I think the greater crisis is that she feels women fantasize about being treated like sex slaves. I wonder how she’d feel if it really was happening to her? Or is the ‘fact’ that Christian Grey has more money than God, looks and smells nice, I mean hot, and is a philanthropist with his money supposed to make it all better?
Yes, Fifty Shades of Grey has sold millions. And yes, there are those who think it’s fabulous…a great read…a real romance. But then those are the same people who don’t know who Emerson is, who have no idea who or what the Annabelle Lee is and if asked to name a classic would say, ‘ a ’66 mustang’.
Fifty Shades of Grey, some might say, is just another piece of pop culture. That may be. But with several tens of thousands of young women being forced into sexual slavery in this country alone each year, and with who knows how many rapes are taking place each and every day, don’t you think we should be giving our young people a more respectful view of love and sex?
Are you serious? First of all, what 21 year old virgin would have multiple orgasms from the get-go? And what self-respecting and intelligent young girl (that she is made out to be) would reduce herself to that level?
E. L. James, the author of Fifty Shades of Grey, says the book is her fantasy on paper. She says she wrote with the intention of living out her mid-life crisis through her characters. Excuse me? I think the greater crisis is that she feels women fantasize about being treated like sex slaves. I wonder how she’d feel if it really was happening to her? Or is the ‘fact’ that Christian Grey has more money than God, looks and smells nice, I mean hot, and is a philanthropist with his money supposed to make it all better?
Yes, Fifty Shades of Grey has sold millions. And yes, there are those who think it’s fabulous…a great read…a real romance. But then those are the same people who don’t know who Emerson is, who have no idea who or what the Annabelle Lee is and if asked to name a classic would say, ‘ a ’66 mustang’.
Fifty Shades of Grey, some might say, is just another piece of pop culture. That may be. But with several tens of thousands of young women being forced into sexual slavery in this country alone each year, and with who knows how many rapes are taking place each and every day, don’t you think we should be giving our young people a more respectful view of love and sex?